时间:2016-01-28 11:52:16 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:小四 热度: 480 次
Medical 医疗部门
Adrenaline 肾上腺素 |
Use a medkit when not at full health to receive an overheal. 不是满血状态下使用医疗包会变成Overheal. *註1 |
MWU - Decontamination Unit (Cost 200) 消毒小组 - 200资源 |
Triage 诊断严重性 |
Heal an ally with a skill to reduce skill cooldowns by 15% 使用技能帮友军回血后降低技能CD 15% |
MWU - Decontamination Unit (Cost 200) 消毒小组 - 200资源 |
Shock and Awe 威吓 |
Suppress a hostile to increase movement speed by 25% for 10 seconds. 压制一个敌人后10秒内增加移动速度25% |
MWU - Pharmacy (Cost 200) 药房 - 200资源 |
Battle Buddy 战斗伙伴 |
Revive a downed agent to reduce incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds for both players. 復活濒死特工后10秒内减少復活者&被復活者受到伤害50% |
MWU - Pharmacy (Cost 200) 药房 - 200资源 |
Critical Save 危及救援 |
Use a medkit during low health to increase damage resistance by 40% for 10 seconds. 低血量使用补血包后10秒内增加伤害抗性40% |
MWU - Counseling (Cost 200) 谘询 - 200资源 |
Shrapnel 碎片波击 |
Applying Bleed to any target triggers a 30% chance to apply the effect to all targets within 10m. 使一个目标流血有30%机会使10m内全部目标流血 |
MWU - Counseling (Cost 200) 谘询 - 200资源 |
Combat Medic 战斗医疗人员 |
Use a medkit near allies to heal group members and proxies within 20m by 40%. 在友军附近使用补血包会回復20m内队友&技能40% *註2 |
MWU - Pediatric Care (Cost 200) 小儿科 - 200资源 |
Strike Back 回击 |
Reach low health to reduce active skill cooldowns by 20%. 到达低血量时 降低所有正在CD的技能CD 20% *註3 |
MWU - Pediatric Care (Cost 200) 小儿科 - 200资源 |
*註1: 感觉应该是满血情况下才对 但是手上的资讯是这样写
*註2: 技能是指掩体, 枪塔, 各类施放下来并且有血量的技能. 40%不确定是目标的血量40%还是补血包回復量的40%
*註3: 这边提到的低血量都没註明是到多低
Technical 科技部门
Tactical Advance 战术移动 |
Complete a cover to cover move to increase weapon damage by 2% per meter covered for 10s. 从掩体后移动到另一掩体后, 每移动1m增加武器伤害2% 10秒 |
TWU - Central Heating (Cost 200) 中央暖气 - 200资源 |
Demolition Expert 爆破专家 |
Kill a hostile with an explosion to increase explosion damage by 40% for 15s. 使用爆炸杀死1个敌人后15秒内增加爆炸伤害40% |
TWU - Central Heating (Cost 200) 中央暖气 - 200资源 |
Police Up 警察部署 |
Kill a hostile with any skill for a 25% chance of auto-refilling all ammo types to capacity. 使用任何技能杀死敌人后有25%机率自动补充子弹到弹夹满 |
TWU - SatComms (Cost 200) 卫星通讯 - 200资源 |
Fear Tactics 威吓战术 |
Applying Shock to any target triggers a 30% chance to apply the effect to all targets within 10m. 电击一个目标后有30%机率使10m内所有目标受到电击 |
TWU - SatComms (Cost 200) 卫星通讯 - 200资源 |
Evasive Action 迴避动作 |
During a cover to cover move incoming damage is reduced by 30%. 从掩体移动到另一掩体中 受到伤害减少30% |
TWU - Recalibration (Cost 200) 重新校準 - 200资源 |
Tech Support 技术支援 |
Kill a hostile while any skill is deployed to extend any active skills duration by 10%. 当任何技能施放在地上时杀死1个敌人会增加任何使用中技能的时效10% |
TWU - Recalibration (Cost 200) 重新校準 - 200资源 |
Wildfire 野火 |
Applying Burn to any target triggers a 30% chance to apply the effect to all targets within 10m. 使1个目标燃烧后有30%机率使10m内全目标燃烧 |
TWU - Recharge Center (Cost 200) 补充中心 - 200资源 |
Death by Proxy 连线杀敌 *註4 |
Destroy a hostile's deployed skill to increase skill power by 20% for 30s. 摧毁敌方施放在地上的技能 30秒内增加Skill Power 20% |
TWU - Recharge Center (Cost 200) 补充中心 - 200资源 |
*註4: 这我真的不会翻
Security 安全部门
Steady Hands 稳定双手 |
Enter any cover to reduce recoil by 25% for 10s. 进入掩体后10秒减少枪后座力25% |
SWU - Procurement Team (Cost 200) 採购小组 - 200资源 |
On the Move 移动杀敌 |
Kill a hostile while moving to reduce incoming damage by 30% for 10s. 移动中杀死1个敌人后10秒内减伤30% |
SWU - Procurement Team (Cost 200) 採购小组 - 200资源 |
Precision 精準杀敌 |
Headshot a hostile to pulse them for 10s. 暴头敌人后会标记该敌人10秒 |
SWU - Guard Posts (Cost 200) 哨位 - 200资源 |
Chain Reaction 连锁效应 |
Damage multiple hostiles with an explosion to apply 40% more damage from the blast. 当1个爆炸内会伤害到多个敌人时 增加该爆炸伤害40% |
SWU - Guard Posts (Cost 200) 哨位 - 200资源 |
Desperate Times 紧急时刻 |
Reach low health to increase blind fire accuracy by 25%. 到达低血量时增加盲射命中率25% |
SWU - Shooting Range (Cost 200) 射靶中心 - 200资源 |
Stopping Power 阻滞力 |
Suppress a hostile to increase headshot damage by 25% for 10s. 压制1个敌人后10秒内增加暴头伤害25% |
SWU - Shooting Range (Cost 200) 射靶中心 - 200资源 |
Repo Reaper 回收死神 |
Kill a hostile with the sidearm to receive 1 magazine for your primary weapon. 用手枪杀死1位敌人后取得主武器1个弹夹 |
SWU - Canine Unit (Cost 200) 警犭小组 - 200资源 |
One is None 一发都不浪费 |
Headshot a hostile to have a 50% chance of not consuming the bullet. 暴头敌人有50%机率不消耗该子弹 |
SWU - Canine Unit (Cost 200) 警犭小组 - 200资源 |

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