时间:2016-01-27 17:28:36来源:k73电玩之家作者:小四热度:91次
《全境封锁》中玩家可以装备技能 ,一般能装2个 + Signature 大招 1个,技能选择需要根据自己的需求来,下面是技能一览。
《全境封锁》中玩家可以装备技能 ,一般能装2个 + Signature 大招 1个,技能选择需要根据自己的需求来,下面是技能一览。
Medical 医疗部门
Lv.1 | Pulse 扫描 |
Sends out recon pules that marks hostiles and allies through walls and covers. 发出范围扫描, 标出范围内任何敌人&队友 (穿透墙壁&掩体) |
一开始拥有 |
Lv.2 | First Aid 急救 |
Heals all allies within a small radius. The device can be used on location or launched to a distant target. 小范围内回复友军. 可在使用者处使用, 或丢在选择地施放. |
MWU - Clinic (Cost 500) 医疗站 - 500资源 *注1 |
Lv.3 | Support Station 医护站 |
Drops a support station that heals allies and can be used to revive downed allies. 放下医护站. 回复范围内友军血量 & 恢复濒死友军 |
MWU - Virus Lab (Cost 500) 病毒研究室 - 500资源 |
Signature 大招 |
Recovery Link 回复连线 |
Heals and cures the users and nearby allies. Revives downed allies within range. Can "overheal" beyond maximum health. 回复使用者和友军的HP&消除Debuff. 恢复范围内濒死的友军. 可以 "超出回复" *注2 |
MWU - Disaster Aid (Cost 1000) 灾害救援 - 1000资源 |
*注1: MWU = Medical Wing Upgrade 医疗部门升级项目
TWU = Technical Wing Upgrade 科技部门升级项目
SWU = Security Wing Upgrade 安全部门升级项目
*注2: Overheal "超出回复" 是游戏内一系统. 某些情况下, 在满血时候补血, 补血量会显示在血条上面. 可在Ubi近期释出影片中看到.
Tech 科技部门
Lv.1 | Sticky Bomb 黏弹 |
Fires a bomb that sticks to most surfaces and explodes when detonated remotely. 射出可黏在大多表面上的黏弹. 遥控爆炸. *注3 |
一开始拥有 |
Lv.2 | Turret 枪塔 |
Deploys a stationary turret that attacks nearby hostiles until it is destroyed or its battery runs out. 放下枪塔. 会持续攻击最近敌人直到被破坏或没电. |
TWU - Control Room (Cost 500) 控制室 - 500资源 |
Lv.3 | Seeker Mine 追迹地雷 |
Releases an automated mine that seeks out hostile targets before exploding on proximity. 放出自动追迹地雷, 会自动寻找敌人并到追到旁边爆炸. |
TWU - Communications (Cost 500) 通讯 - 500资源 |
Signature 大招 |
Tactical Link 战术连线 |
Increases damage and critical hit chance to user and all nearby allies. 使用者&附近友军暂时增加伤害&暴击率. |
TWU - Division Tech (Cost 1000) 特工科技 - 1000资源 |
*注3: 可附着于敌人身上.
Security 安全部门
Lv.1 | Ballistic Shield 镇暴盾 |
Equips a portal Ballistic Shield that absorbs damage. The user can only use their sidearm while the shield is active. 装备行动式防弹盾挡伤害. 使用中只能用手枪. |
一开始拥有 |
Lv.2 | Smart Cover 掩体升级 |
Reinforces a cover, increasing the user's damage and decreasing the incoming damage for all allies behind it. 暂时提升掩体能力. 同时提升使用者在掩体后面对敌人造成的伤害 & 减低掩体后所有友军所受伤害. |
SWU - Situation Room (Cost 500) 情报室 - 500资源 |
Lv.3 | Mobile Cover 行动掩体 |
Creates a temporary cover for one person, which provides standard cover protection until destroyed. 施放可供单人使用的掩体. 提供跟一般掩体一样的效果. 持续到被破坏. |
SWU - Armory (Cost 500) 军备室 - 500资源 |
Signature 大招 |
Survivor Link 生存连线 |
Increases damage resistance and speed for the users and nearby allies. 提升使用者&附近友军伤害抗性&速度. *注4 |
SWU - Barracks (Cost 1000) 军营 - 1000资源 |
*注4: 这边不确定是指移动速度, 或包括Reload速度之类的.
