时间:2014-11-18 16:04:06 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:owenkcb 热度: 796 次
Fast runner: Moves quicker [can escape / engage faster]
Scavenger: Has a larger backpack (15 items) [Seems to also find more stuff when scavenging.]
拾荒者:15格背包 【貌似可以找到更多东西】
Loves Children
Sneaky: Can move around with less noise
小偷: 移动声音-1
Good Mathematician
数学家: 啪啪啪
Bolsters Spirits: Improves groups mood
不知道如何翻译:让大家开心每一天。。。 (有什么用)
Combat trained: Increased Melee damage
作战技巧: 近战攻击+1
Bargaining skills: Makes better deals. [better trades with NPCs]
辩论技巧: 可以从NPC那里买更多东西
Good Lawyer: Lowers chance of being attacked
律师: 减少被攻击几率
Strong but slow: 17 slot backpack, moves and runs slower
强壮慢: 17格背包,走的慢 【第二次清场什么的最有爱了】
Engineer/mechanic: can make things for only 4/5th of the materials normally required.
工程师:让建筑价格变成原来的 80个百分点。。。。

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