时间:2014-12-31 11:15:12 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:小四 热度: 34 次
近日Harebrained Schemes分享了一张来自公司系列游戏《暗影狂奔》新作的概念艺术图,这张图片上的内容分明显示为某一个人口稠密的亚洲都市,在近日的Kickstarter页面上直接证实这个都市就是中国的香港!消息甚至还指出游戏名为《暗影狂奔香港》。
近日Harebrained Schemes分享了一张来自公司系列游戏《暗影狂奔》新作的概念艺术图,这张图片上的内容分明显示为某一个人口稠密的亚洲都市,在近日的Kickstarter页面上直接证实这个都市就是中国的香港!消息甚至还指出游戏名为《暗影狂奔香港》。
根据官方公布的艺术图显示,图片正中央的上方明确的写着“Shadowrun: Hong Kong(暗影狂奔香港)”几个大字,有玩家猜测这就是游戏的标题,以下是Kickstarter页面上的游戏介绍(不翻译了):
Hong Kong finds itself now as an independent city/state in 2050. Both ancient and modern Hong Kong seems to be at peace on the same island. It’s corporate sponsored City Center rivals any in the world for splendor and corporate intrigue. All the megcorps are there as well as all smaller ones that love to think they can play with the big boys (and maybe even steal a secret or two). Yet, just outside the city center you will find ancient temples and shrines. Each one situated on the many dragon lines that cross the island. Dragon lines are mysterious and powerful paths of magic that the monks claim hold the secrets of the great dragons themselves. Protecting the monks and running the underworld are the mysterious syndicate called the Triads – gangs that control their island, protect their secret masters and really really hate the Yakuza.

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