时间:2015-05-21 08:47:42来源:A9作者:yuileung1热度:260次
以下关于《巫师3》几个实用人物的build是从官方攻略上转过来的,分别有狂暴流、暴击流、炸弹流以及法印流 ,这些不同的流派有不同的装备玩法技能搭配,以下为大家详细说明。
以下关于《巫师3》几个实用人物的build是从官方攻略上转过来的,分别有狂暴流、暴击流、炸弹流以及法印流 ,这些不同的流派有不同的装备玩法技能搭配,以下为大家详细说明。
装备:完成Bear School Gear Scavenger Hunt Quest后得到的装备
Rage Management: General Skill Tree
Adrenaline Burst: General Skill Tree
Resolve V: Combat Tree, Battle Trance Branch
Razor Focus V: Combat Tree, Battle Trance Branch
Any other Combat Tree abilities that fit your preferences, maxed out at Level V for maximum Adrenaline gains.
药剂:Maribor Forest potion
炸弹:Samum and Northern Wind
煎药:Alghoul decoction
装备:完成 Cat School Gear Scavenger Hunt Quest 后得到的装备
Cat School Techniques: General Skill Tree
Muscle Memory V: Combat Tree, Fast Attack Branch
Precise Blows V: Combat Tree, Fast Attack Branch
Strength Training V: Combat Tree, Strong Attack Branch
Crushing Blows V: Combat Tree, Strong Attack Branch
Rend V: Combat Tree, Strong Attack Branch
Consider investing points in the Signs tree, juicing up Igni, Axii, and Yrden specifically. These signs all contribute to being able to land Rend attacks.
药剂:Thunderbolt , Petri’s Philter
炸弹:Samum and Northern Wind
煎药:Katakan decoctions, Doppler decoction
Steady Aim V: Alchemy Tree, Bomb Creation Branch
Acquired Tolerance III: Alchemy Tree, Mutation Branch
Heightened Tolerance IV: Alchemy Tree, Brewing Branch
Pyrotechnics V: Alchemy Tree, Bomb Creation Branch
Tissue Transmutation V: Alchemy Tree, Mutation Branch
Efficiency V: Alchemy Tree, Bomb Creation Branch
Synergy V: Alchemy Tree, Mutation Branch
Cluster Bombs V: Alchemy Tree, Bomb Creation Branch
Any spare Ability Points can go into trees that fit your preferences. If you want a bit more bite out of your swords, the early parts of the Combat tree are a safe bet. If you’re trying to push your survivability, investing in Sign improvements for Yrden and Quen are not a bad call.
炸弹:Grapeshot, Dancing Star, Dragon’s Dream, Devil’s Puffball
煎药:Cockatrice decoctions
Wolf School Techniques: General Skill Tree
Exploding Shield III: Signs Tree, Branch
Sustained Glyphs III: Signs Tree, Branch
Melt Armor IV: Signs Tree, Branch
Active Shield III: Signs Tree, Branch
Magic Trap III: Signs Tree, Branch
Firestream III: Signs Tree, Branch
Quen Intensity V: Signs Tree, Branch
Yrden Intensity V: Signs Tree, Branch
Igni Intensity V: Signs Tree, Branch
Quen Discharge V: Signs Tree, Branch
Supercharged Glyphs V: Signs Tree, Branch
The Griffin School Techniques provide an invaluable boost to your Sign Intensity and Stamina regen for every piece of medium armor worn. Most of your other Ability Points should stay within the Signs tree, to boost your Stamina regeneration in combat.
药剂:Petri’s Philter, Tawny Owl
炸弹:Dragon’s Dream
煎药:Foglet decoction, Ekimma decoction