时间:2014-10-25 10:25:58来源:k73电玩之家作者:小新热度:26次
竞赛模式 |
Slot 1(助力槽1) |
Come here | lv.1:See the enemy that killed you if they're within a short distance until they die. lv.2:The distance you can see your opponent is increased. lv.3:The distance you can see your opponent is increased significantly. |
来这里 | 1级:在短距离内看到曾经杀死过你的敌人。 2级:距离稍微增大。 3级:距离明显增大。 |
Endurance | lv.1:Decrease sprint recovery time. lv2:The effects of Level 1 with increased sprint duration. lv3:Sprint recovery time is decreased further. |
持久耐力 | 1级:冲刺恢复时间减少。 2级:冲刺时间恢复时间继续减少。 3级:冲刺时间恢复时间明显减少。 |
Beast Mode | lv.1:Move faster with heavy objects. lv.2:The speed you move with heavy objects is increased. lv.3:The speed you move with heavy objects is increased significantly. |
野兽模式 | 1级:装备重物时移动稍快。 2级:装备重物时移动更快。 3级:装备重物时移动明显增快。 |
Let Me See | lv.1:After two or more deaths with no kills you see all opponents for a short time. lv.2:The duration for which you see opponents is increased. lv.3:The duration for which you see opponents is increased significantly. |
让我看见 | 1级:每连续死两次可以让你在短时间内看到所有敌人的位置。 2级:时间增加。 3级:时间明显增加。 |
Scoped In (UNLOCKED: Level 9) | lv.1:Reduced pain wobble while scoped in. lv.2:Pain wobble is reduced further. lv.3:No pain wobble while scoped in . |
瞄准中(解锁:9级) | 1级:瞄准时遭受攻击时身体晃动减少。 2级:身体晃动明显减少。 3级:无身体晃动。 |
Cloaked (UNLOCKED: Level 9) | lv.1:Opponents will not see your player arrow and you are difficult to hear. lv.2:You become even more difficult to hear. lv.3:You make no sound while moving and also become immune to Disruption. |
装着斗篷(解锁:9级) | 1级:敌人无法看见你的玩家标识,而且你将很难被听到。 2级:几近无声。 3级:完全无声,而且使Kickback:“崩坏”无效化。 |
Regeneration (UNLOCKED: Level 15) | lv.1:Recover from wounds faster. lv.2:Recovery speed is increased. lv.3:Recovery speed is increased significantly |
重生(解锁:15级) | 1级:受伤时回复速度增加。 2级:受伤时回复速度继续增加。 3级:受伤时回复速度大幅度增加。 |
Fleet Foot (UNLOCKED: Level 15) | lv.1:Move faster while aiming. lv.2:The speed you move while aiming is increased. lv.3:The speed you move while aiming is increased significantly. |
快速脚步(解锁:15级) | 1级:瞄准时移动稍快。 2级:瞄准时移动更快。 3级:瞄准时移动明显加快。 |
Explosive Shell Expert (UNLOCKED: Level 25) | lv.1:Any M32-Hammer you use comes with one extra round. lv.2:Any RPG-7 or M32-Hammer you use comes with one extra round. lv.3:The amount of additional M32-Hammer ammo increased to 2. |
破甲专家(解锁:25级) | 1级:你所用的榴弹枪装填数增加1。 2级:你所用的榴弹枪或火箭炮装填数增加1。 3级:你所用的榴弹枪的装填数增加2。 |
Explosive Expert (UNLOCKED: Level 35) | lv.1:Start every match with an additional grenade slot. lv.2:The effects of Level 1 and spawn with an additional grenade when killed with one. lv.3:Start every match with two extra grenade slots and spawn with an additional grenade when killed by one. |
爆炸专家(解锁:35级) | 1级:比赛开始时会获得一个额外的手雷槽。 2级:假如之前被手雷炸死,那么复活时将有2颗手雷。 3级:比赛开始时获得两个额外的手雷槽,假如之前被手雷炸死,那么复活时将有2颗手雷。 |
Weapon Expert (UNLOCKED: Level 45) | lv.1:Add one additional MOD slot to all pistols. lv.2:Effects of Level 1 and Switching Between Sidearm and Long Gun is Faster. lv.3:Effects of Levels 1 and 2 as well as one additional MOD slot to long guns. |
武器专家(解锁:45级) | 1级:可以给你的手枪多加一项技能。 2级:长枪和手枪切换变得更迅速。 3级:可以给你的长枪多加一项技能。 |
Sugar Buddy (UNLOCKED: Level 20) | Receive a quarter of the cash your buddy earns. |
甜心哥们(解锁:20级) | 比赛结束时会获得你的Buddy所获得金钱的四分之一的额度。 |
Booty Buddy (UNLOCKED: Level 30) | Get rewards from chests when your buddy does. |
分享战利品(解锁:30级) | 可以获得同伴在宝箱内找到的宝物。 |
Thanks Buddy (UNLOCKED: Level 40) | Get a medal for every 3 your buddy earns. |
谢了,哥们(解锁:40级) | 同伴每获得3个奖章那么你也可以获得一个赠送的奖章。 |
Out of Breath (UNLOCKED: Legacy 1) | Sprint recovery time and duration are significantly slower.Gives an additional 100% cash per kill. |
气喘吁吁(解锁:第一次转生) | 加速跑恢复时间与持续时间大幅度减少。获得奖金加倍。 |
Slow Healing (UNLOCKED: Legacy 1) | Health regeneration is significantly slowed.Gives an additional 100% cash per kill. |
龟速治疗(解锁:第一次转生) | 受伤后恢复时间明显变长。获得奖金加倍。 |
Flat footed (UNLOCKED: Legacy 2) | Move significantly slower while aiming.Gives an additional 150% cash per kill. |
沉重脚步(解锁:第二次转生) | 瞄准时移动速度明显变慢。获得奖金加1.5倍。 |
Fewer Grenades (UNLOCKED: Legacy 2) | Your ability to carry grenades is reduced.Gives an additional 200% cash per kill. |
手雷缺乏(解锁:第二次转生) | 手雷的储存被削弱。获得奖金加2倍。 |
Slot 2(助力槽2) |
Power Hunter | lv.1:See the location of Power Weapons within a short distance. lv.2:The distance you see Power Weapons is increased. lv.3:The distance you see Power Weapons is increased significantly. |
强力武器 | 1级:在短距离内可以看到强力武器的掉落位置。 2级:距离增加。 3级:距离大幅度增加。 |
Daredevil | lv.1:Taunt over an opponents body to receive ammo (Required Rank: 5); lv.2:Taunt over an opponents body to receive a grenade; lv.3:Taunt over an opponents body to receive more ammo. |
王八蛋 | 1级:每次对敌人嘲讽都会获得弹药; 2级:每次对敌人嘲讽可以获得一颗手雷; 3级:每次对敌人嘲讽可以获得更多弹药。 |
Kickback Endurance | lv.1:Increase Medal Kickback duration by a short length of time. lv.2:The amount of time added is increased. lv.3:The amount of time added is increased significantly. |
Kickback持久器 | 1级:Kickback效果时间增加。 2级:时间继续增加。 2级:大幅度增加。 |
Monkey Man | lv.1:Move faster while climbing. lv.2:Climb speed is increased. lv.3:Climb speed is increased significantly. |
猴子男 | 1级:攀爬速度增加。 2级:攀爬速度继续增加。 3级:攀爬速度大幅度增加。 |
Treasure Hunter | lv.1:You have a better chance to receive treasures from chests. lv.2:The chance you receive a treasure is increased. lv.3:The chance to receive a treasure is increased significantly. |
宝物猎人 | 1级:从宝箱内获得宝物的概率增加。 2级:概率继续增加。 3级:概率大幅度增加。 |
Deposit | lv.1:You receive more money from medals. lv.2:The money received is increased. lv.3:The money received is increased significantly. |
储蓄金 | 1级:获得奖章时可以获得更多的金钱。 2级:获得奖章时所拿到的金钱继续增加。 2级:获得奖章时所拿到的金钱大幅度增加。 |
Back in the Saddle (UNLOCKED: Level 15) | lv.1:Respawn time reduced by 2 seconds; lv.2:Respawn time reduced by 3 seconds; lv.3:Respawn time reduced by 4 seconds. |
迅速回归(解锁:15级) | 1级:复活时间减少2秒; 2级:复活时间减少3秒; 3级:复活时间减少4秒。 |
Ammo Award (UNLOCKED: Level 15) | lv.1:Receive ammo for every Commando or Gunslinger medal you earn. lv.2:The ammo you receive is increa. lv.3:The ammo you receive is increased significantly. |
弹药奖励(解锁:15级) | 1级:每次获得"长枪专家"或"手枪专家"时都会得到额外的弹药。 2级:获得弹药增多。 3级:获得弹药大幅度增加。 |
Revenge (UNLOCKED: Level 25) | lv.1:Drop live grenade upon death if you are carrying one when you die. lv.2:Always drop a grenade upon death. lv.3:The effects of Level 2, or drop an active Medal Kickback grenade if one is available. |
复仇者(解锁:25级) | 1级:当你身上有手雷时,被杀死后立刻掉出一颗雷; 2级:你被杀死时立刻掉出一颗雷。 3级:2级的效果,或者当你的手雷Kickback已激活时,死亡时自动发动Kickback。 |
Bargain (UNLOCKED: Level 35) | lv.1:Decrease Medal Kickback cost by 1. lv.2:Your Medal Kickback will glow gold. lv.3:Decrease Medal Kickback cost by 2. |
交易(解锁:35级) | 1级:Kickback所需要奖章数减少1。 2级:发动Kickback时闪现金光。 3级:Kickback所需要奖章数减少2。 |
Team Safe (UNLOCKED: Level 45) | lv.1:Explosives do not knock you down and teammates only receive 1/2 damage from your explosives. lv.2:Effects of Level 1, but teammates receive no damage from your explosives. lv.3:Effects of Levels 1 and 2, and teammates will not be knocked down by your explosives. |
避免误伤(解锁:45级) | 1级:爆炸不会让你跪倒,同时你的手雷对队友的杀伤力只有原来的一半。 2级:1级效果,除此之外队友不会受到你的爆炸类攻击。 3级:1级和2级效果,除此之外你的爆炸攻击不会炸倒队友。 |
For My Buddy (UNLOCKED: Level 20) | See the location of the opponent that killed your buddy until they die. |
替哥们报仇(解锁:20级) | 可以看到杀死你同伴的敌人的所在位置。 |
Stealth Buddy (UNLOCKED: Level 30) | Fill your Medal Kickback when your buddy gets a stealth kill. |
同伴是暗杀者(解锁:30级) | 你的同伴每暗杀一次,你的Kickback槽都会填上一个奖章。 |
Explosive, Buddy (UNLOCKED: Level 40) | Get a grenade for each of your buddies' explosive kills. |
炸吧,哥们(解锁:40级) | 假如你的同伴用雷炸死敌人,你就会获得一颗手雷。 |
Extra Kickback Costs (UNLOCKED: Legacy 1) | Medal Kickbacks cost 4 more to use.Gives an additional 150% cash per kill. |
额外奖励消耗(解锁:第一次转生) | Kickback所需奖章数增加4。获得奖杯加1.5倍。 |
Small Pockets (UNLOCKED: Legacy 1) | You spawn with significantly less ammo.Gives an additional 100% cash per kill. |
小袋子(解锁:第一次转生) | 每次复活时枪械最大装弹数被削减。获得奖金加倍。 |
Invalid (UNLOCKED: Legacy 2) | You have half health.Gives an additional 250% cash per kill. |
衰弱(解锁:第二次转生) | 生命值减半。获得奖金加2.5倍。 |
No Power Weapons (UNLOCKED: Legacy 2) | You can't pick up power weapons.Gives an additional 200% cash per kill. |
重力武器禁止(解锁:第二次转生) | 无法拾得并使用重力武器。获得奖金加2倍。 |
协力模式 |
Slot 1(助力槽1) |
Endurance | lv.1:Decrease sprint recovery time. lv2:The effects of Level 1 with increased sprint duration. lv3:Sprint recovery time is decreased further. |
持久耐力 | 1级:冲刺恢复时间减少。 2级:冲刺时间恢复时间继续减少。 3级:冲刺时间恢复时间明显减少。 |
Beast Mode | lv.1:Move faster with heavy objects. lv.2:The speed you move with heavy objects is increased. lv.3:The speed you move with heavy objects is increased significantly. |
野兽模式 | 1级:装备重物时移动稍快。 2级:装备重物时移动更快。 3级:装备重物时移动明显增快。 |
Scoped In | lv.1:Reduced pain wobble while scoped in. lv.2:Pain wobble is reduced further. lv.3:No pain wobble while scoped in . |
瞄准中 | 1级:瞄准时遭受攻击时身体晃动减少。 2级:身体晃动明显减少。 3级:无身体晃动。 |
Fleet Foot | lv.1:Move faster while aiming. lv.2:The speed you move while aiming is increased. lv.3:The speed you move while aiming is increased significantly. |
快速脚步 | 1级:瞄准时移动稍快。 2级:瞄准时移动更快。 3级:瞄准时移动明显加快。 |
Regeneration | lv.1:Recover from wounds faster. lv.2:Recovery speed is increased. lv.3:Recovery speed is increased significantly |
重生 | 1级:受伤时回复速度增加。 2级:受伤时回复速度继续增加。 3级:受伤时回复速度大幅度增加。 |
Explosive Expert | lv.1:Start every match with an additional grenade slot. lv.2:The effects of Level 1 and spawn with an additional grenade when killed with one. lv.3:Start every match with two extra grenade slots and spawn with an additional grenade when killed by one. |
爆炸专家 | 1级:比赛开始时会获得一个额外的手雷槽。 2级:假如之前被手雷炸死,那么复活时将有2颗手雷。 3级:比赛开始时获得两个额外的手雷槽,假如之前被手雷炸死,那么复活时将有2颗手雷。 |
Slot 2(助力槽2) |
Monkey Man | lv.1:Move faster while climbing. lv.2:Climb speed is increased. lv.3:Climb speed is increased significantly. |
猴子男 | 1级:攀爬速度增加。 2级:攀爬速度继续增加。 3级:攀爬速度大幅度增加。 |
Kickback Endurance | lv.1:Increase Medal Kickback duration by a short length of time. lv.2:The amount of time added is increased. lv.3:The amount of time added is increased significantly. |
Kickback持久器 | 1级:Kickback效果时间增加。 2级:时间继续增加。 2级:大幅度增加。 |
Back in the Saddle | lv.1:Respawn time reduced by 2 seconds; lv.2:Respawn time reduced by 3 seconds; lv.3:Respawn time reduced by 4 seconds. |
迅速回归 | 1级:复活时间减少2秒; 2级:复活时间减少3秒; 3级:复活时间减少4秒。 |
Overstock | lv.1:Medal Kickback limit increased by 3. lv.2:Medal Kickback limit increased by 4. lv.3:Medal Kickback limit increased by 6 . |
超载 | 1级:Kickback存放容量+3。 2级:Kickback存放容量+4。 3级:Kickback存放容量+6。 |
Bargain | lv.1:Decrease Medal Kickback cost by 1. lv.2:Your Medal Kickback will glow gold. lv.3:Decrease Medal Kickback cost by 2. |
交易 | 1级:Kickback所需要奖章数减少1。 2级:发动Kickback时闪现金光。 3级:Kickback所需要奖章数减少2。 |
Team Safe | lv.1:Explosives do not knock you down and teammates only receive 1/2 damage from your explosives. lv.2:Effects of Level 1, but teammates receive no damage from your explosives. lv.3:Effects of Levels 1 and 2, and teammates will not be knocked down by your explosives. |
避免误伤 | 1级:爆炸不会让你跪倒,同时你的手雷对队友的杀伤力只有原来的一半。 2级:1级效果,除此之外队友不会受到你的爆炸类攻击。 3级:1级和2级效果,除此之外你的爆炸攻击不会炸倒队友。 |
Ammo Award | lv.1:Receive ammo for every Commando or Gunslinger medal you earn. lv.2:The ammo you receive is increa. lv.3:The ammo you receive is increased significantly. |
弹药奖励 | 1级:每次获得"长枪专家"或"手枪专家"时都会得到额外的弹药。 2级:获得弹药增多。 3级:获得弹药大幅度增加。 |
