时间:2014-08-14 09:36:00 来源:巴友 作者:lj11574 热度: 1255 次
You are immune toDesecrator, Molten, and Plagued monster ground effects.
装备武杖时,所有伤害提高 20%
While a CombatStaff is equipped, all damage is increased by 20%.
每消耗 75 点精气会召唤一个铜人嘲讽附近的敌人,接着爆炸造成 1600% 武器伤害值的神圣伤害
Spending 75 Spiritcauses a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for 1600%weapon damage as Holy.
Your Fetish Armylasts until they die.
每击杀一个敌人,复仇箭雨的冷却时间便会缩短 1 秒
The cooldown ofRain of Vengance is reduced by 1 second for every enemy you kill.
攻击时有机会召唤出骷髅 (20%)
This ring sometimessummons a Skeleton when you attack. (20%)
当你能量全满时,消耗主要能量的技能所造成的伤害提高 50%
Your primaryresource spenders that spent resource deal 50% more damage while you are atfull resource.
You are surroundedby a deadly Poison Cloud.
当你死亡时,一枚陨石会从天而降使你复活。此效果有 300 秒的冷却时
When you die, ameteor falls from the sky and revives you. This effect has a 300 secondcooldown.
你的护盾结束时会为你治疗其剩余数值 25% 的生命值
Your shields healfor 25% of their remaining amount when they expire.
被火焰伤害杀死的敌人会爆炸并使附近的敌人着火,在 5 秒内造成 300% 武器伤害
Enemies killed byFire damage explode and set nearby enemies on Fire, dealing 300% weapon damageover 5 seconds.
对敌人造成秘法、冰寒、火焰或电击伤害时,会召唤相同属性的陨石从天而降。每种伤害类型有 8 秒的冷却时间
Damaging enemieswith Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause a Meteor of the same damage typeto fall from the sky. There is an 8 second cooldown for each damage type.
Whenever a Death'sBreath drops, a second one will also drop.
亡者之壁的冷却时间缩短 2 秒
Reduces cooldown ofWall of Zombies by 2 seconds.
亡者之壁会喷出酸液,在效果持续时间内每秒造成 300% 武器伤害
Wall of Zombiesspews acid, dealing 300% weapon damage every second for its entire duration.
裂地之震每击杀一个敌人,冷却时间便会缩短 2 秒
Reduce the cooldownof Earthquake by 2 seconds every time it kills an enemy.
Cause an Earthquakewhen you land after using Leap.
近战和远程攻击者每次击中受到 4000 点伤害
Ranged and meleeattackers take 4000 damage per hit
你的荆棘伤害会对 15 码内的敌人造成伤害
Your Thorns damagenow hits all enemies in a 15 yard radius.
在阿卡拉特勇士效果持续期间内,所有技能的消耗降低 50%
Reduce the cost ofall abilities by 50% while Akarat's Champion is active.
阿卡拉特勇士的冷却时间缩短 50%
Reduce the cooldownof Akarat's Champion by 50%.
Soul Harvestconsumes your damage over time effects on enemies, instantly dealing theirremaining damage.
使用瞬影打之后,对周围的所有敌人释放闪电造成 3000% 武器伤害
After using DashingStrike, release Lightning at all nearby enemies for 3000% weapon damage.
Companion calls allcompanion types to your side.
Sentries cast yourequipped Hatred spenders.
Furious Chargegains the effect of every rune.
每击杀一个敌人,复仇箭雨的冷却时间便会缩短 1 秒
The cooldown ofRain of Vengance is reduced by 1 second for every enemy you kill.
劲风煞消耗的精气降低 70 点
Reduces resource cost of Sweeping Wind by 70 Spirit
Gain the baseeffect of all four Mantras at all times.
Attacks cause yourfollowers to occasionally come to your aid.(100%)
当你被敌人击中时有机会反弹远程攻击 (20%)
Chance to reflectprojectiles when you are hit by enemies. (20%)
+15% 对恶魔伤害
+15%Damage to Demons
生命值低于 25% 时会自动施展烟幕。此效果每 30 秒可触发一次
Automatically castSmoke Screen when you fall below 25% Life. This effect may occur once every 30seconds.
每次击杀恶魔,所有冷却时间都会缩短 1 秒
Reduce allcooldowns by 1 second every time you kill a demon.
Archongains the effect of every rune.
每次消耗主要能量时,攻击速度提高 6%,持续 5 秒。此效果最多可堆栈 5 次
Every time youspend primary resource, you gain 6% increased attack speed for 5 seconds. Thiseffect stacks up to 5 times.
攻击时有机会使出猛烈的旋风斩,每秒造成 325% 武器伤害值的物理伤害,持续 6 秒 (25%)
Chance on attack toWhirlwind furiously for 325% weapon damage as Physical every second for 6seconds. (25%)
Vault gains theeffect of the Rattling Roll rune.

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