时间:2014-11-28 11:14:58来源:口袋妖怪吧作者:七元洞豁落热度:4521次
——卡那兹市 (Rustboro City)·道馆
“我有一位朋友,同样对收集岩石有着浓厚兴趣。他的名字叫大吾。他以严肃的表情而闻名,但每当遇到珍惜石头或者钢系精灵的时候,他的眼睛就会亮起。他变得生气蓬勃 ,神情也有了变化,呈现出意想不到的迷人的一面”
(原文:I have a friend who shares my keen interest in collecting stones. His name’s Steven. He’s known for his serious expression, but when it comes to rare stones or Steel-type Pokémon, his eyes light up. He gets animated, and his expression changes, showing an unexpected charming side.)

——卡那兹市(Rustboro City)·得文制造股份有限公司
(原文:Oho! Th-that Pokémon you have... Could it be that rare white specimen? There cannot be more than one such specimen in the world! So pure... So sublime... Its sparkle is indeed the ultimate! I would love to see how it would stand up to Steven’s Beldum...)

——秋叶镇(Fallarbor Town)·化石狂的家
(Looking at your white Pokémon reminds me of the Devon president’s son. I heard he traveled all the way to Kalos, crossing three oceans to find the white Pokémon and some kind of stone. That’s what you’d expect from someone who calls himself a wandering stone collector.)

当二周目在桌上看信的时候,会显示“仔细观察可以发现一个附言”(A careful look reveals a postscript.)
(原文:P.S. I had sent you another Beldum, rather a special one. Did it reach you safely? Of course, both are cool and sublimely strong. I trust they will teach you the joys of Steel-type Pokémon.)

——绿岭市(Mossdeep City)·宇航中心
“Hm... You know, seeing that white beauty there that you travel with... I’m reminded of the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza, said to descend at the Sky Pillar. I once had the chance to see it face to face. Although, it was a long time ago now... The young man who battled against Rayquaza beside me... I wonder whatever happened to him and that black Charizard of his... ”