成就图标 |
成就名称 |
成就分数 |
成就描述 |
Challenge Accepted
接受挑战 |
30 |
Completed level 1 of all non-level-specific challenges with a single character
以一个角色完成任何一个非级别限制挑战的第一级 |
Goliath, Meet David
巨人大哥,出来见大卫 |
15 |
Allowed a Goliath to level up four times before killing him
让一个巨人(戴头盔那个大胖子)升级 4 次(巨人每杀一个目标就增强一次)后杀掉他 |
Went Five Rounds
第五回合 |
25 |
Completed Round 5 of any Circle of Slaughter
在任何杀戮持久战完成 5 轮 |
Not Quite Dead
我还没死那 |
5 |
Reached level 5
达到第 5 级 |
Better Than You Were
比你好多了 |
10 |
Reached level 10
达到第 10 级 |
Always Improving
可持续发展 |
25 |
Reached level 25
达到第 25 级 |
Capped Out…For Now
这次没有封顶啦 |
50 |
Reached level 50
达到第 50 级 |
Arctic Explorer
极地探险家 |
15 |
Discovered all named locations in Three Horns, Tundra Express, and Frostburn Canyon
在三号角、雷电快道和霜火峡谷发现所有的有名字的地点 |
Urban Explorer
城市探险家 |
15 |
Discovered all named locations in Sanctuary, Opportunity, and Lynchwood
在庇护所、机遇天堂和林奇伍德发现所有有名字的地点 |
Highlands Explorer
高地探险家 |
15 |
Discovered all named locations in The Highlands, Thousand Cuts, and Wildlife Exploitation Preserve
在高地、千层峡谷和流放野地发现所有的有名字的地点 |
Blight Explorer
微光探险家 |
15 |
Discovered all named locations in Eridium Blight, Arid Nexus, and Sawtooth Cauldron
在微光的艾瑞德姆、纳克西斯和锯牙坩埚发现所有有名字的地点 |
World Traveler
周游世界 |
50 |
Discovered all named locations
发现所有的有名字的地点 |
Sugar Daddy
甜心大姐 |
10 |
Tipped Moxxi $10,000
给 Moxxi(那个竞技场的女老板) $10000 |
Decked Out
全副武装 |
25 |
Had Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot
全身都装备着紫色或更高级的装备 |
Sabre Rattler
军刀出,炮台响 |
20 |
Killed 100 enemies with the Sabre turret
用固定炮台(特种兵固定技能)杀 100 个敌人 |
Phased and Confused
老实待一会儿 |
20 |
Phaselocked 100 enemies
把 100 个敌人锁定(Maya 的固定技能) |
So Much Blood!
好多血 |
20 |
Gunzerked continuously for 90 seconds
维持 Gunzerk 状态 90 秒 |
Cute Loot
找到宝啦~ |
15 |
Killed a Chubby
杀掉一个 Chubby |
Tribute To A Vault Hunter
向庇护所猎人致敬 |
15 |
Got an item from Michael Mamaril
从 Michael Mamaril 获得一个物品 |
Definitely An Italian Plumber
超级玛丽 |
15 |
Killed Donkey Mong
杀掉 Donkey Mong |
High-Flying Hurler
飞得高,摔得狠 |
10 |
Killed a flying enemy with a thrown Tediore weapon
用投掷 Tediore 武器杀掉一个飞行敌人 |
Token Gesture
升级咯 |
20 |
Redeemed 25 tokens
兑换 25 次升级券 |
Unseen Predator
看不见的捕食者 |
20 |
Remained in Zero's Deception mode for ten seconds straight
保持 Zero's Deception 模式 10 秒 |
Build Buster
生产线破坏者 |
20 |
Killed a Constructor without it ever building another bot
在造物者(大型机器人,会放核弹)没有造出一个机器人的时候杀掉他 |
How Do I Look?
我看起来怎么样 |
25 |
Unlocked 10 customization items
解锁 10 个定制物品 |
Friendship Rules
友谊第一 |
10 |
Revived someone from "Fight for Your Life!" that is on your friends list
解救一次你的同伴,这个同伴是你的好友 |
Better Than Money
钱是身外之物 |
15 |
Purchased 5 items from the black market
从黑市买 5 个物品 |
Up High, Down Low
庆祝一下 |
15 |
Gave Claptrap a high five
和 Claptrap(那种话很多的悲催小机器人)击掌 |
Bounty Hunter
赏金猎人 |
25 |
Completed 20 side missions
完成 20 个支线任务 |
Did It All
全部完成 |
40 |
Completed all side missions
完成所有支线任务 |
Secret Achievement |
10 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
25 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
20 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
30 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
15 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
10 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
30 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |
Secret Achievement |
10 |
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. |