
2013-03-06 15:07:02 k73游戏之家 作者:小新


日前终于迎来了PSV和PS3平台的漫画动作游戏《狡狐大冒险 时光大盗》的游戏发售,文中汇总了所有奖杯的资料。喜欢收集的玩家可以看看!





Mask and Stripes Forever

Collect every bronze, silver, and gold trophy.


Family Matters

Rescue Sly's long lost Cooper relative in Episode 1. 在第一章营救Sly的家人

Low Calorie Sushi

Complete all the jobs and beat the boss in Episode 1.


Play It Safe

Unlock the Cooper Safe in Episode 1. 解锁第一章的Cooper Safe


Reunite with Sly's long lost Cooper relative in Episode 2. 在第二章中重聚Sly的家人

Dust Bunnies

Complete all the jobs and beat the boss in Episode 2. 完成第二章的所有任务并打败关底BOSS

Put It In Your 401K

Unlock the Cooper Safe in Episode 2.

解锁第二章的Cooper Safe

Bigfoot For Real

Track down Sly's long lost Cooper relative in Episode 3. 在第三章跟踪Sly的家人


Complete all the jobs and beat the boss in Episode 3. 完成第三章的所有任务并打败关底BOSS

Savings Account

Unlock the Cooper Safe in Episode 3. 解锁第三章的Cooper Safe

Boom Stick

Introduce Sly to his long lost Cooper relative in Episode 4. 在第四章中与Sly的家人对话

I Believe the Time Is Now

Complete all the jobs and beat the boss in Episode 4. 完成第四章的所有任务并打败关底BOSS

Zenny, Gil, or Just Loot

Unlock the Cooper Safe in Episode 4. 解锁第四章的Cooper Safe

I Need A Mouse Trap

Meet up with an old adversary. 与老对手碰面

Keep Your Turban On

Make friends with Sly's long lost Cooper relative in Episode 5. 在第五章中和Sly的家人成为朋友

Home Sick

Complete all the jobs and beat the boss in Episode 5. 完成第五章的所有任务并打败关底BOSS

Check Please

Unlock the Cooper Safe in Episode 5. 解锁第五章的Cooper Safe

Online Shopping

Make your first purchase on ThiefNet. 在ThiefNet购物一次

Sparrow Approves

Use the compass many times to navigate. 多次使用指南针进行导航

Wardrobe Malfunction

Unlock your first change of clothing. 换一套衣服

Costume Party

Obtain every costume in the game. 获得游戏中所有的衣服

Cooper Calling Card

Collect your first hidden Sly mask. 收集一个Sly的隐藏面具

Oh Look It's Shiny

Pickpocket 10 unique items. 偷得10件稀有物品

Child Of the 80's

Beat the top high score of one hideout arcade. 打破一个隐藏街机游戏的最高分

What's Behind Door Number One?

Unlock a costume gate in any episode. 在任意章节中打开服装店大门

Arcade Operator

Repair any arcade machine. 修好一台街机

Clockwerk Collector

Collect over 20 treasures. 收集20件财宝

Apollo Wins

Have the perfect workout during the Training Montage. 在Training Montage中得到完美锻炼

Get To the Chopper

Don't take any damage during Up In Smoke. 在Up In Smoke中无伤完成任务

The Cooper Open

Have a 20 hit rally with Bentley in each hideout. 使用Bentley在每一个隐藏处连续击打20次


Don't miss a single glass of sarsaparilla in Saloon Bug. 在Saloon Bug中手机所有sarsaparilla小药瓶

Navigate Like Drake

Take a look at every map in every episode. 在每一章都预览地图

Hubba Hubba

Don't miss a beat in the Carmelita dance game. 无miss完成Carmelita舞蹈游戏

Lunch Money

Slam 100 enemies with Murray. 使用Murray击败100个敌人

Unexpected Package

Place 60 bombs in enemy pockets with Bentley. 使用Bentley塞给敌人60个炸弹

Waddle Waddle

Shoot 40 penguins with Carmelita. 使用Carmelita射击40只企鹅


Paraglide for at least 10 seconds without using any geysers! 不间歇滑行10秒以上

Ancient Warfare 3

Crackshot 10 enemies within 65 seconds. 在65秒内击毙10个敌人

Crazed Climber

Scale the dragon lair in under 90 seconds. 90秒内登上龙之巢穴

Golden Arrow

Complete the archery minigame without hitting any friendly targets. 不误伤友军完成射箭游戏


Complete any Alter Ego without leveling up once. 不升级完成Alter Ego任务

Radical Ninja

Stealth kill 15 enemies without alerting anyone. 不被他人注意的刺杀15人


Purchase every item in ThiefNet. 在ThiefNet购买所有物品

Hero Tech

Battle with a secret weapon. 使用秘密武器战斗

Cloud City

Defeat El Jefe on each tower without losing any health. 无伤击败El Jefe

Hassan Would Be Proud

Pickpocket a full collection of every item in the game. 偷得所有收集品

Quarter Cruncher

Unlock all 6 arcade machines. 解锁6台街机

Mark Your Territory

Collect all the hidden Sly masks.


8-Bit Bentley Style

Beat every hideout arcade's top high score.


Final Chapter?

Complete every job and beat every boss in all the episodes. 完成所有章节任务并击败所有BOSS


