
2015-01-16 09:45:44 k73游戏之家 作者:小新

《H1Z1》以下的常见问题是根据reddit老外 (RoyAwesome)整理在官方 stream 中的对话翻译而来,当然翻译的正确与否大家也可以根据英文自行解读。

EA 就是指 抢先体验 阶段 (2015 /1/15 美国时间)

Stream is done. Recap below Keep Q&A conversation here. (之前的直播结束, 将内容整理如下)

● Gamemodes can be earned by playing the game. You don't have to buy them to play

(Gamemodes 不需要花钱买, 在游戏过程中就可以拿到)

● Game modes are not rulesets. They are something different

(Game modes 不用设定规则, 只有一些地方不同而已)

● Will get tickets with base game. Just get more with the higher priced version.

(想要有更多的花样, 得付费买高级版本)

● 50 servers at launch. Player counts not decided.

(EA 将开放 50 个服务器, 还未决定单一服务器玩家人数上限)

● There will be a roadmap. Will be posted around launch

(EA 会公开 游戏规划图 )

● 8kmx8km map at start.

(EA 开放的地图为 8km x 8km 大小)

● themed after anytown USA. Feels like any state in the US.


● Figuring out player count. Can be in the thousands. Want to find out what playercount is fun.


● System Requirements: Trying to hit Planetside 2 requirements. 64bit only.

(系统需求 : 至少要能玩PS2 游戏的水平, win 7/8 64 位元的系统)

● Want to do PS4, no date. (PS4 版本可能会研发, 日期未定)

● PS4 FOR SURE COMING. After Planetside 2 on PS4 releases. Fairly near future.

(Code base being done by another team).

(PS4 版本慢慢等)

● Game is steam-only early access. Will last 1-2 months before wider beta.

(游戏只在 steam 上 进行 EA 阶段, 它至少要 1 ~ 2 个月后才会进行更大范围的测试)

(译:在 reddit 有补充说到 , F2P 至少得等 EA 的进行 6 个月之后了... )

● Cannot spawn with friends in EA. It is planned and will be on roadmap

(EA 无法与朋友一起出生, 该功能已在游戏规划行程里)

● Base building in EA.

(EA 可以盖房子...)

● There will be official forums (thank god)

(会有官方论坛 (译:意即非 reddit 社群))

● 16 weapons in EA.

(Ea 将会有 16 种武器可以使用)

● Next week will have server types. 'many many many types of servers'.

(下周 (本周是 2014/1/8) 将会公开各式各样的伺服器模式 (译:求生, 死斗 这种吧??))

● Will have zombie-less game modes. Will have PvE servers.

(会有 PVE 伺服器 , 也会有少量 zombie 形式的伺服器模式)

● Playerstudio: Yes, not day1.

(会开放 playerstudio , 但不是第一天)

● 3 vehicles. Offroader (seen), pickup truck (can get in back and shoot out), and police car (rare, has sirens and lights)

(EA 有三种款式的车辆. 越野车 (之前在官方影片出现的) / 卡车 (在车后可以对外射击)/ 警车 (稀有 , 有警灯及叭叭功能..)

●130 possible places for a vehicle to spawn, but only 15 will spawn.

Numbers guaranteed to fluctuate once players get in.

(设计有 130 个的地点提供车辆重生, 但同一时间只有 15 个地方会重生 视玩家进入的机率而定)

● Random weather at start. Real world stuff coming later.

(EA 开放随机天气系统, 其它功能陆续实装....)

● Rain, snow, wind in EA

(EA 会有 下雨, 飘雪 及 大风)

● Different zombie types. Several different speeds. Agitation time different.

(有各式各式的 zombie 形态, 跑的快的 和 姿势动作 晃动不同的)

● no jumpers yet.

(应该是指 还没有会跳来跳去的 zombie ...)

● Different zombie brains and how smart they are.

(不同的 zombie 大恼 , 代表它们将会有多聪明 (译:更奸诈??)...

● Smarter zombies than DayZ. Horde mentality, very deadly.

(更聪明的 zombies 会比 DayZ 那样更难对付)

● Very different game than DayZ. Feels more 'part of the apocalypse'.

(H1Z1 比 DayZ 更能感受到世界末日 zombie 的威胁!)

● Trying to go for feel of being in the middle of a plague.

(好好享受 瘟疫 带来的游戏感触)

● Day 1 European Servers. Full setup coming later.

(EA 第一天只有 欧州 服务器 (译:我X...ping 不就得 300 了!?))

● Day/night cycle. Sun comes up, Sun goes down. Cycle leads to deadly encounters.

(日夜更换系统实装, 注意它将会带来接近死亡的环境变化)

● Farming for food. Some basic farming... corn, wheat, moonshine, flour, pies, anything you can think of.

(有基本的食用物资可以搜集, 基本上你可以相像得到的)

(译:这是指老外的食物, 像油条肉包这是不可能出现的)

● Over 100 different recipes. 90 unique items or so.

(超过 100 种以上不同的素材, 90 种独特的物品)

● New inventory works well. Thanks for that.


● Taking time for early access let them improved the inventory system which is good.

(意思就是还没 EA 前的这段时间, 工作团队很努力改进背包/仓库的设计啦....)

● Health, Wellness (Disease and illnesses), Getting cold affects you, so get warm. You can catch illness when cold.

(疾病将会影响玩家的身体健康, 尤其是寒冷的温度, 玩家会生病的...)

● You can bleed.

(人物受伤会流血的 ....)

● You can get tired if you don't rest.

(人物如果没有休息会疲倦的....意思可能就是跑不快, 盖东西很慢, 恢复能力变差了)

● How deep is character creation? Not very. Trying to create a character with a limited life-span.There is customization, but you are going to die. Customization isn't that big of a deal when you die so quick.

(这二句话应该是连贯的, 意即创建人物时会不会有很多细项可以调整?目前提供的选项并不多...)

● Female characters.

(EA 有女性角色)

● There will be planes and airdrops. Can't fly them yet. Nothing stopping them.


● Zombies can break doors.

(Zombies 会破门而入查水表哦....)

● Lockers, yes.


● Can swim.


● What do you do if you die? Deep question. In game however: You restart and your shit is gone.

(人物在游戏中死亡后该如何?一切空身重新开始 )

● Rabbit, Wolves, Ravens, Deer, Bears. Tons of animals.

(一堆野外生物, 兔子, 狼, 鹿, 熊, 鹰)

● Weather kinda effects zombies. If it's raining, zombies have impaired hearing, if it's dark zombies have impaired sight.

(天气状况会影响 zombies 的感知能力, 譬如下雨 zombies 听力会变差....在黑深的情况下 zombies 会看不清楚)

● You can craft traps. Pungi Sticks, Landmines, Bear trap, Rabbit trap (for catching rabbits).

(玩家可以制作陷阱道具, 像地雷...或用来抓熊, 抓兔子 机关等等....

● Yes, will have anticheat. Similar to Planetside 2. Very successful there...Most of the people who write cheats for PS2 have stopped because of it.

(将会有防外挂系统, 像是 PS2游戏 那样非常有效率的....)

(译:哦, 拭目以待吧...)

● Spawn with a flashlight, some flares, and bandages.

(人物出生会带著:手电筒 (译:这是末日求生基本配备) / 绷带 / 些许的照明弹 (?) )

● If you die and have stuff you bought, they can loot it and is very degraded. If you bought it, you still have it, they just get a copy.

(如果你死亡时身上带著商城道具, 别人可以捡走 - 该道具会破损严重 )

● Stats on death, showing you where you went, how long you survived, how many zombies you killed. No leaderboard for Early Access.

(死亡时会有画面显示你这次存活多久, 曾去过何处, 杀过多少 zombies)

● Probably not chop limbs off. Most of the team is sad about it, but it's not the kind of game they want to make.

(还不能砍木材 ??...)

● will have pets, not in early access.

(将会有宠物, 但 EA 不会实装)

● Characters: 1 per server.


● Can start forest fires, not day 1.

(可以在森林重生, 但不是初始的第一天)

● Missions? Hell no.

(H1Z1 没有任务让玩家完成)

● Can sleep to heal.


● When you log in, you are in the same spot.

(在那边登出, 下次登入就在那边)

● If you build a house, it defaults to you. You give lock codes out to friends so they can get in.

(玩家所盖的房子所有权属於玩家, 想让基友进入, 玩家需要将房子开锁密码给基友)

● Want a karma system. Identification based on Karma. Not in Early Access. Probably added later.

(会有 karma 系统, EA 不会实装. 未来可能会设计)

● Players becoming zombies: Wishlist, not early access.

(玩家变成 zombies ...嗯....EA 不会实装, 这功能在设计规划里....)

● Handcuffs being worked on, Post EA.

(手铐设计正在进行... )

● Trying to prevent KOS, they think they did a good job for new players. No real reason to kill a new player.

(尽量避免 KOS .... (译:这个...老话重谈了))

● Game is fun when you don't know who to trust. Jimmy doesn't want to know who the badguy is because that's part of the game. They don't want to completely discourage KOS.

(游戏中人性自然发挥, 谁也不能相信. 扮演坏人是这游戏中的一部份也是有趣的地方.. ... )

● Yes voice chat. Proximity and radios.

(H1Z1 有支援 游戏内语音交谈功能 (译:像 DayZ SA 那样))

● Will be a map. Map Signs in the world, no GUI map. You can find them and find out where you are based on in world objects. (this is cool). Post EA they want a brochure that has a map.

(将会提供地图 - 非 UI 小地图那样, 而这份地图上面将会标记住你的基地在何处...)

● Yes hardcore servers. They work how you think they work.

(会有 核心 (译:就是超困难非人类可以碰的...) 服务器)

● Base building is long term end game. They really want to do that.

(房屋建筑是游戏后期的事了. (译:当玩家有了房子建筑基地之后, 离破关游戏也不远矣, 因为没有其它的事好做了)

● Game will be Free to Play on PS4.

( PS4 版本将是 F2P)

● there will be tall buildings to snipe from

(会有高塔建筑物可供 狙击 )

● Yes to radios.


● You should try to tame wild animals, bears are totally your friend and you get free meat from them ;)

(可以将野生动物抓来养著, 这样就可以有肉吃了...)

● Do you need to team up to survive? "Not if you are any type of a man"


● Clan support: Not day 1

(公会/战队 功能会支援, 但不是第一天)

● Mods: Not day 1.

(Mods ... ? 应该会开放)

● How can you protect your stuff when you log out: They want to do locked stuff, but they are working on that actively.

(会设计上锁的箱子, 让玩家可以将物资放在里面......目前还未实装)

● Trading: Yes, not in EA. You can drop stuff on the ground... old diablo style.

(交易系统?以后会有. EA 时期...你只能像 暗黑破坏神那样, 将东西丢到地上......)

● Bikes/Motorcycles: yes. Not EA.

(脚踏车跟摩托车以后会有, EA 是看不到的)

● Bleeding: Yes. Chance to bleed based on type of weapon.Blunt weapon probably not gonna make you bleed. Sharp will. More bleeding requires more bandages.

(会有让玩家受伤之后的流血设计...尖锐的武器容易造成流血.....流血过多, 请爱用绷带)

● Cities bigger than the town they have now: ABSOLUTELY. Working on an engine upgrade to give thousands of square km. Will get bigger cities. They want urban apaclypse.

(城市一定会比镇大 (译:这不废话...!?) 我们正在努力将游戏引擎升级到可以设计出更大的城市地形)

● Can you blow stuff up: "Come on man, yes"



Can you catch/spread the h1z1 virus: Yes, disabled for now.

(你可以抓取/传播 h1z1病毒吗?可以..但目前是不开放)

You can get infected by getting attacked by zombies.

(玩家被 zombies 攻击后是会被感染 h1z1 病毒 - 承接上面那句话的意思吧.)

Can forcibly inject H1Z1 into other peoples by getting a blood syringe from a zombies and stick them.

(从 zombies 上获取的血液, 可以拿来注射进给其它玩家身体里....)

Will lose human abilities and sights, will start craving flesh. Normal food cannot sustain you when you are h1z1'd.


Will come after EA soon.

(以上的交谈对话有关游戏内容... 都是指 EA 后.....你懂的 ...soon)


● No beard growing. Smed can't grow one either.


● Fishing: Yes.


● Most of the devs prefer 1st person. Will have servers that dont allow 3rd.

(几乎所有的开发者们都爱 第一视角, 以后有些服务器会限制玩家不能用第三视角)

● Boats: Yes, not day1.

(船 ? 有...但不是第一天...)

(译:这个 day 1 ....没看官方 stream 实在是不懂它代表的意思, 是指游戏里的第一天? XD )

● Can you cure H1Z1? "What would be the fun of that? No".

(可以将 H1Z1 从感染者的身上杀死恢复正常吗?... NO )

● You can sustain with it with crafting, can mitigate it with medicine, very rare.

(在感染的情况下还是可以制作物品. 可用药来减轻 H1Z1 病毒所带来的痛苦 - 但此药非常稀有 )

● Can you eat other players? Hopefully


● No non-zombie human NPCs

(不会有 zombie NPC 出现 (译:像僵尸国度那样的既人又是 zombie ....)

● Built in twitch streaming: After EA.

(EA 以后....会内建 twitch 实况功能....(译:注意是以后....也许是一年半载))

● Bounties: With karma. Smed: "Karma is lame"


● What you wear has an impact on how cold and how much damage you take.

(身上所穿著的装备等级好坏, 除了有相对的保暖效果, 更可以让你被攻击时减少伤害.)

● Only armor so far is a motorcycle helmet, protects you from blunt weapons. Doesn't stop bullets.

(目前只有摩托车安全帽可以保护武器的槌撞, 至於子弹...是没办法弹回去的...)

● Want to do Kevlar Jackets and stuff. Gonna be hard to find. Can shoot helmets off of people.

(武士刀这类的武器是很难找到的, 可以拿来砍玩家的头...(译:可能头会被砍下来掉落在地方...))

● Early access is not for everyone. There is lots of bugs and changes. If that's for you, go for it. If you want a finished game, do not buy Early Access.

(EA 抢先体验会有很多的 bugs 臭虫, 并伴随著设计上的改变. 假如你不喜欢, 或是想等一个 100% 完成的游戏内容, 请不要花钱买 EA 入场卷)


● Military Outposts? Yes.


● Can you kidnap people: Yes, not in early access. No currency in the game

(可以绑架玩家吗?以后会有这个功能... EA 目前没有实装)

● Combat logging: Long logout. Combat is detected. They are working on it. It will be solved.


● Spawn choosing: Not at early access. Something they want to do.

(可以选择重生点吗?EA 不会实装....开发团队还在努胁解决一些问题)

● PS4/PC cross play. Technically easy, buisness question. They are deciding.

(PS4 和 PC 最终可以在同一服务器玩吗?技术上没问题, 但商业考量..........目前还在讨论相关问题)

● How often are updates: Weekly at least.

(游戏多久会更新啊?至少一周更新一次. (译:最好是这样..一周一次...)

● Night only servers? No. If you really want it, they'll do it.

(会有永远都是夜晚设定的服务器?假如玩家们想要有这样设定的服务器, 开发团队将会搞出来...)

● PSVita: No

(PSVita 平台?不可能)

● Airports: Yes.


● Pay to Win? It's about as far away from pay to win as it can get.

(有钱就是老大? 嗯...花了钱总是会有相对的好处嘛...)

● How long is EA: Unknown. Want 4-6 weeks months until beta

(已决定 2015/1/15 美国时间 EA 抢先体验)

● Caves? No, but there are basements.

(会有洞穴吗? 没有, 但会有地下室...)

● Seasons: Yes, but Spring/Summer right now with limited winter. They are getting there.

(季节系统? 会有的...目前就是有限度的 春夏冬...)

● What separates H1Z1 from other Zombie games? It's an MMO, Will have largest map, world is living with zombies part of the world unlike other games.

It's similar, but there is very unique flavor to the game. Will be *Way more fun in the long term

(H1Z1 将会有不同於其它 zombie 游戏的....最大的地图....充满 zombies 的世界..., 请拭目以待 H1Z1 开发团队带来的新体验)

● Engine: Forgelight. Planetside 2's engine.

(游戏引擎是....PS2 的 Forgelight)

● Biomes: There will be other biomes, right now it feels Pacific NorthWest, but it's up to us to decide what they do next based on feedback.


● Night Vision: Not for Early Access. Needs some work.

(夜视能力? EA 未实装....)

● Scavenging gives deteriorated items. Crafting is better for quality. Creating a base is best.

(四处搜寻可以找到质量普通的物资, 玩家制造出来的物资质量是最好的.建立一个基地是最好的一个生存方式.

● How long has the world been filled with zombies: Weeks to months. Feels better, gives more room to have certain areas pristine and others really messed up.

15 years put too much pressure on art team to make everything feel overgrown.

(这句不知在说明什麼....是说服务器多久会被 zombies 占满吗?如果没有玩家进去清 zombies ?)

● Random zombie spawns

(zombie 是随机出现的)

● Grouping zombies based on player noise.

(玩家刻意引起的声音, 将会吸引成群结队的 zombies 过来)

● You can repair items.


● Two different bows. Not an upgrade.

(会有二种不同型式的弓, 它不能够升级...)

● Bulletdrop: Yes.

(子弹会掉落吗? 会... )


● Can make ground mound and out items in it.

(可以制作地面上的储存物品, 并可以将东西放进去)

● Besides noise, what attracts zombies: Movement, smell, sight.

(除了声音会引起 zombies 注意之外, zombies 所看到的,闻到的 以及会移动的物品 都会吸引注意)

● Tornados: Clegg wants lighting. Probably.

(Clegg 这位大哥想要让 光线 也能引起 zombies 的注意)

● Customizing Cars: Yes. You can take different parts. No sick rims.


You can take a headlight out from a car, and can place it as a spot light.


● Big guns? Not early access. They want to blow everything up, so coming.

(大型长枪? 会有的...但在 EA 不会出现. )

● Sewers: No


● Will zombies climb over eachother: No. They will interact with eachother.

(zombies 会爬过其它 zombies 的身上吗?不会.....)

● Can you create distractions for zombies? Yes. Police car sirens.

(可以将 zombies 吸引到别地方去吗? 可以...像是警车警报器)

● Can spook a deer, make them run past a zombie to attract a zombies.


● Barricades: You can barricades. You can barricade doors and windows. Currently zombies dont attack it, but they want to do that.

(路障系统:玩家可以搞路障, 像门及窗户都可以封起来. 目前 zombies 不会攻击这些地方. 开发团队想将这部份给实装, 让 zombies 攻击破坏这些地方)

● A horde of zombies is SUPER DANGEROUS. They think it might be a bit too hard. You can fill your entire inventory with arrows and you can't survive a horde.

(遇上一大群的 zombies 是非常危险的, 即使你背包塞满了弓箭, 也难逃大群的 zombies 攻击)

● Can you build a power source? Not in Early Access.

(可以建构电力系统吗? EA 没有这东西)

● Pull out of cars? No, want to add it.

(可以将人从车里拉出来吗? 目前不行. 开发团队想要搞这个功能)

● Can throw rocks.


● Hunger game servers confirmed. Will be in Day1 (YESSSSSSSS). This is the ticketing system that Smed was talking about. Think of it like a Hearthstone Arena system. You will get something out of it.

(饥饿游戏形式的服务器确认是有的, 将会在 Day 1 (EA 当天?) 启动!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

● Stats get better the longer you survive. As you sprint more, it takes less stamina. As you build fire, the fire lasts longer since you are better at it. Makes you want to keep your character.

(跑步会减少精力, 利用火堆可以恢复)

● Zombies holding knives? No. Thinking about it.

(Zombies 会手持刀子之类的吗? 不会...)

● VOIP attracting zombies? Eventually.

(玩家之间的语音交谈会引起附近 zombies 的注意吗? 交谈过久了就会......)

Esports: If you can do it, go for it.

(如果你觉得可以, 就去做吧.)


● Trees will regenerate, slowly.

(树木被砍掉之后, 还会缓慢重新成长)

● Can you lure zombies to attack player? Not directly. But you can lure them around and leave them places.

(可以拉 zombies 当火车去撞玩家吗? 你没办法直接这样做. 不过你可以拉 zombies 到任何地方, 然候丢下它们迅速离开.

● Audio is fantastic. Super cool, really realistic, lots of sounds makes it awesome. Check out the blog.

(H1Z1 的声音特效 是非常真实而很令人觉得很酷的!!请看开发者部落格...)

● How persistent is the building? Yes. They did a ton of work on peristant. The servers will last a very long time before things respawn, they spent a lot of time on it. Very persistant

(建筑物可以持续存在多久呢? 开发团队花了很大时间在这个部份, 伺服器重生物资的间隔时间是很长的.



