Cube World魔方世界种子汇总说明

2013-07-09 15:49:04 k73游戏之家 作者:gujl12345

这里就和同学们讲讲在游戏《Cube World魔方世界》中关于地图种子与地牢种子的说明,地图种子,即建立地图时SEED栏填写的数字。另外还有一个关于矿洞的种子和大家一起分享。

       2 :杂货出售:鼹鼠(MOLE)食物。


       8 : 杂货出售:小猎犬(TERRIER)食物。78POWER战士盾。

4215864 3个地牢
00012 3个地牢,1个任务,1个钻石
13375 金灯
209222 金灯
80084 金灯
87456329 蓝灯
80085 紫灯
98744 紫灯

05091974 很多丘陵很多洞



If you find any good seeds and want to share please write the seed with a description: here.

Items In Nearest Town


                              Legendary Lamp                               13375                               Yellow quality lamp, costs 4 copper at starting village, extremely bright.                               Epic Lamp                               80085                               Purple quality lamp, costs 3 copper at starting village, very bright.                               Blue Iron Lamp                               27714367                               Will sell for 2c                               Green Iron Lamp                               7                                                             Bubblegum                               12897                               Bubblegum                               Bubblegum                               6041404                               Bubblegum                               Bubblegum                               994616517                               Bubblegum                               Candy                               31551025                                                             Pet Foods                               0, 1, 3, 5, 7                               Chocolate Donut (Mole), Cotton Candy (Sheep), Candy (Cat), Waffle (Terrier), Bubblegum (Collie).                               Pet Foods                               80085                               Carrot (Bunny).                               Tier 2, 3, 4 loot                               8675309                               South West of spawn, Ruins of Ikola contain Undeads +4, Skullbulls and Beetles.

Item Drops


                              Unholy Spirit +17                               138                               Just outside starting town, explore to find Asgar epic cat boss, drops Unholy Spirit +17.                               Unholy Spirit +14                               8008                               Hill near spawn, sheep boss drops Unholy Spirit +??                               Wind Spirit +24                               17                               Walk to the top of nearest mountains to spawn, kill epic horse for spirit.                               Wind Spirit +14                               522101                               Right where you spawn Lantor (Alpaca Boss) right there.                               Fire Spirit +36                               50135                               Explore initial spawn area, off the path to the west is a biter called Krosel, kill it. There is also a Cormling boss right next to Krosel that drops an Unholy Spirit +17.                               Fire Spirit +5                               9876543                               Spawns you next to Mole Boss, kill for Fire Spirit.                               Fire Spirit +5                               814288                               Go to the town and then head to the nearest mountain, behind that, there is a river, on the east-side of the river there is a scottish terrier called Gedara. Kill it.                               Unholy Spirit +24                               814288                               Go to the starting town and then walk to the south. There will be a "Rock of ..." Location. Behind that Rock, there is a river leading into the rock. Follow the river and you will find a cow boss that drops the Wind Spirit.



                              Ore rich                               8675309                               Ruby, Gold, Iron, Silver, Emerald. When you spawn, turn 180 degrees and go to mountains or Mountains straight ahead (explore for cave).                               Ore rich                               420                               lots of ore everywhere, but the best location is directly northwest of town, right before you get to your first castle                               Ore rich                               1337                               Very ore rich, scattered                               Ore rich                               209222                               West of first town, mountain range contains Sapphire, gold, silver, iron, emerald. Bring bomb for sapphire.                               Ore Rich                               7661989                      Link has all the info. Seed has diamonds, bosses, tons of iron, gold, silver and emerald close to spawn.                               Ore Rich                               1                               South of starting town, Irokia Mountains has massive tunnel complex containing many low level ores.                               Ore Rich                               78910                               In the Mountains around the town. Also has +2 area with Spitter +2 and Crab +2, a lake and a Castle, Bubblegum in the Town store Map: [1]                               Ore Rich                               46546548                               West of the starting town is a dungeon called the Ruins of Anrior. West of those ruins is a mountain. There is a cave pretty much in a straight line west from the dungeon with diamonds inside of it. I believe i entered the cave from an opening at the top of the mountain. Bring a bomb, you may not be able to get it without one due to it being partially embedded in a rock.                               Ore Rich                               1337420                               To the south and west of Segar forest (close to spawn) there is Iron and Emerald rich caves.

Dungeons and Castles


                              Spawn near 3 dungeons                               4215864                                                             2 castles                               405517260                               2 castles, tree with world boss and catacomb near spawn                               3 Dungeons                               00012                               3 dungeons, 1 mission, mines (1 with diamond)                               4 Dungeons, Collie at Spawn                               8431789                               Good XP/Money                               Catacombs with +4 mobs                               99999                               The Catacombs are the Catacombs of Gamor, South East of the Starting City - Youtube [2]]

For Beginners


                              For New Players                               12345                               Has mines!



                              Desert Biome                               26879                               West of spawn, desert can be found. Useful for desert resoruces.                               Jungle Biome                               9071985                               Head east from spawn location, you will find a Jungle Biome, contains Crocodiles (pet).                               Lava Lands Biome                               7777                               East from the first spawn town. Very large Lava Land Biome.                               Ocean Biome                               420                               Head north from first town, there are chocolate doughnuts in the shop(moles)                               Multi-Bioms                               9876543                               South, North, East snow lands, North east ocean, West Lava Land, for map                               Snow and Lava                               782013                               To the southwest of spawn is a snow biome, and a lava biome on the other side of it.

Notable Creatures


                              Alpaca and Horse                               5556481                               Explore within 4 blocks chunks of spawn to find bosses.                               Crow and Horse                               111                               Head to the mountain north-west of spawn.                               Pig                               21897                               Giant pig at spawn                               Turtle                               4856 and 1                               Puts a turtle right in front of you

Multiplayer Default Seed


                              26879                               ·                 The Thaldar Mountains are by far the most rich in ore mountains. There was easily at least 10 emerald deposits, and a boat load of silver and gold.
                               ·                 To the west of Spawn Point is the desert area.
                               ·                 West of the town is a castle with +4s


